
Posts Tagged ‘fake’

I am real, you are fake.
The Ego is real, the attitude is fake.
The beard is real, the smile is fake.
The Sun is real , the green here is fake.

The effort is real, the result is fake.
The pain is real, the comfort is fake.
The mind is real, the beauty is fake.
The Lust is real, the love is fake.

Silicon is real, Silicones are fake 😉
Passions are real, Occupations are fake.
Acquisition is real , competition is fake.
Market is real , school is fake.

Time is real, money is fake.
Eco system is real, Home-Systems are fake.
The thoughts are real , actions are fake.
Foes are real, friends are fake.

War is real , peace is fake.
Solitude is real, company is fake.
Ex-es are real , GFs are fake.
Name is real , fame is fake.

Poverty is real, wealth is fake.
Corruption is real, philanthropy is fake.
Eccentric is real , Conventional is fake.

Science is real , GoD is ….well, Reallllll !!!

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